List of Organizations
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Ukrainian women with S-status in Switzerland during the military conflict between Ukraine and Russia. We have an active civic position, share European values, and have professional experience in public, educational, scientific, and business activities.
Bahnhofplatz 2, 3011 Bern, Switzerland
Chamber of Commerce Switzerland-Ukraine HSU
The HSU is a central point of contact for companies with business interests in Ukraine and Switzerland. The long-term goal is to increase trust and draw attention to the economic relationship between the two countries.
Schlossmattweg 7, 4413 Büren, SO, Switzerland
VIDNOVA Ukrainian-Swiss Foundation
Non-profit organization that was founded with the aim of adapting and integrating Ukrainian refugees in Switzerland, as well as promoting the development of Ukraine and strengthening cooperation between Ukraine and Switzerland
Lerchenweg 26, 8302 Kloten, Zürich, Switzerland
Stefania Club
Förderung der erfolgreichen Integration ukrainischer Frauen in die Schweizer Gesellschaft durch die Entwicklung ihrer persönlichen Kompetenzen, die Unterstützung von Frauen in Führungspositionen und die Schaffung von Begegnungs- und Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten
Spiegelgasse 1, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland
Das Kultur- und Begegnungszentrum Prostir setzt sich zum Ziel, ein Ort der Begegnung für Ukrainer und Ukrainerinnen zu sein, die sich durch den Krieg in einer schwierigen Situation befinden. Es soll aber auch Begegnungen mit der Luzerner Bevölkerung fördern.
Staffelnhofstrasse 7, 6015 Luzern, Switzerland
Ukrainian Association of Students and Academics in Zurich
Facilitates the development of the Ukrainian academic community in Switzerland. Organises educational and cultural events, conducts information campaigns about Ukraine and Ukrainians, and brings together the Ukrainian academic community
Sonneggstrasse 5, Zürich, Switzerland